Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: Scope vs. NamespaceScope and namespace are words with similar — but critically different — meanings in programming.Oct 7, 2024Oct 7, 2024
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: Green Tech TipsI have pulled together this infographic, to share some key facts and tips to reduce your own digital carbon footprint.Jul 24, 2024Jul 24, 2024
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: ArgsArgs — short for ‘arguments’ — are the values you feed into your functions. They are the values you ‘pass’ between chunks of code, as the…Jul 3, 2024Jul 3, 2024
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: That’s my TypeIn programming, ‘typing’ defines the way variables interacts with each other, tied to the values they can hold — and the data types …Apr 15, 2024Apr 15, 2024
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: Tech DebtTechnical Debt is a catchphrase often thrown around, essentially as a bit of a catchall for a few things you will one day need to resolve.Apr 11, 2024Apr 11, 2024
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: Authentication vs. AuthorisationWhat is the difference between authentication and authorisation?Apr 13, 2023Apr 13, 2023
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: Compiled vs. InterpretedAll code has to be translated from what you type into what the computer can understand.Mar 17, 2023Mar 17, 2023
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: What is caching?The term comes from the French word ‘cacher’ — to hide (hide and seek = ‘cache-cache’).Feb 13, 2023Feb 13, 2023
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: What is a Data Retention Policy?The clue is in the name… but there is a little more to it, especially in a technical context.Jan 26, 2023Jan 26, 2023
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: When it comes to cloud, what is a ‘policy’?What is the difference between a policy in the cloud, and a non-technical policy?Jan 24, 2023Jan 24, 2023
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: Open BankingOpen banking is one of the most revolutionary pieces of tech from the past decade.Jan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: What is ‘Low-Code’?Low-Code is one of the easiest and most accessible ways to get into tech.Jan 11, 2023Jan 11, 2023
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: The CloudI would describe the cloud as the grandaddy version of icloud. That doesn’t explain it, but it gives you a good idea.Jan 4, 2023Jan 4, 2023
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: What is MFA?One of the easiest ways to protect what you do online, MFA stands for Multi-Factor Authentication.Dec 30, 2022Dec 30, 2022
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: AI BiasYou would think that taking the people out of the decision making would be the fairest approach, wouldn’t you?Nov 28, 2022Nov 28, 2022
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: What does ‘tech stack’ mean?If you are ever describing an application you are developing to another dev, you will likely be asked ‘what’s the stack?’Nov 22, 2022Nov 22, 2022
Maggie Hunt#TechForNewbies: Naming ConventionsThey matter for two reasons: To ensure that code is consistent, and to ensure that code is unambiguous.Nov 10, 2022Nov 10, 2022